Exploring the Art of Cider Making with Greg Hall of Virtue Cider |
In New York, you can buy Virtue Cider’s complexity in bottles, on tap and in cocktails. In Whole Foods Market, Virtue is on the shelf and in the fridge, but you can bypass the national chain in favor of a local store and buy your bottles from Murray’s Cheese. Astoria residents can get a fine cider fix at The Queen’s Kickshaw, but there is cider in every borough. Be Virtuous at Berg’n, Roberta’s,Top Hops (aptly, on Orchard Street), the soon-to-come Wassail (Kickshaw’s young LES sibling), the Sea Witch Tavern, Torst,Grand Ferry and The Richardson. If there’s a bartender whose concoctions you enjoy, then ask about Virtue Cider. It has a way of appearing and reappearing in cocktail menus. We may not be ready to rejoin the Old World (and who’s to say that it would want us?), but it is a Virtue to give it a place at the table or the bar.
Photo via Seanan Forbes
Behind the Bar: Solomon Thomas - Ambassador, Bartender, & Industry Community Advocate
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