Revolution House "Hearts for Autism" Event With Dogfish Head, March 21

On Thursday, March 21, head to Old City to raise awareness while drinking some great beer. Revolution House is hosting a fundraiser for Hearts for Autism, a nonprofit that supports families with autistic members by using art.
Your $20 entrance fee ($6 of which goes directly to charity) will score you a Dogfish Head open bar from 7–9:30 PM, along with some snacks. Plan to arrive early, since the first 24 people through the door will get a Dogfish Head pint glass, and best dibs on the food.
Beers offered throughout the evening will be:
Birra Estrusca - this is a spiced ale brewed in collaboration with two Italian breweries, Baladin & Del Borgo.
60 minute IPA
Indian Brown Ale
Hearts for Autism education materials will be available at the event, as well as bracelets and some pictures kids in the program have drawn. Good cause, good times.
Event Date: 03/21
Event Time: 7-9:30 PM
Location: Revolution House
Price: $20