SideCar Offers a New Alternative to Taxis (and to Driving Drunk)

Need a ride home from a bar? Quite likely there’s someone with an extra seat in their car. Just think about the number of times you’ve watched cars fly by while lamenting how tough it is to get a taxi. SideCar is the answer to that frustrating unbalance of space and time. The mobile ride sharing app matches people who need a ride with regular, everyday drivers willing to give them one, and it has just landed in Philadelphia.
Founded in San Francisco last year, SideCar has since spread to other major cities, including Seattle, L.A., D.C., Boston, and Brooklyn. The company recruits car owners in each location, who then go through a series of rigorous background checks and driver testing and rating systems. SideCar makes sure GPS tracking is installed in each car. After that, the car is good to go, and can pick up SideCar users whenever they have free time.
On the user side, all you need to do is download a free mobile app. Once you’ve signed up and provided a default credit card number, you’re good to go. Another interesting quirk — because of regulatory restrictions, the amount you pay for your ride is considered a donation, and it’s entirely up to you. You’ll receive a “suggested donation” on your phone at the end of each trip, but if you end up disliking the service, you don’t need to fork anything over.
If, on the other hand, you absolutely love your driver, you can even select that person again from the app, assuming he or she is available at the time you need your ride. The app will also show you what kind of car you’re ordering, so you will be able to tell if friends can fit inside with you. Best part - payment is all made through a credit card you have on file with the app, so no cash is exchanged, making it convenient for the rider and safer for the driver. When you arrive at your destination, just exchange pleasantries, and go on your merry way.
Next time you’re out at a bar and wishing for an easy ride home, SideCar is an option to consider. They are only operating on weekends from 5 PM to 3 AM Fridays and Saturdays, so give them a try and let us know what you think.
Use promo code "DRINKPHILLY" to get a $10 ride credit. Sign up here.