Drink Philly Digital Art Gallery for Philly Tech Week, April 20

If you’ve been to one of our First Friday art shows, you know that not only do we have a great gallery space (aka World Headquarters), we also always serve great drinks. If you haven’t stopped by our Old City studio in the evening yet, this Philly Tech Week event is the perfect opportunity.
To celebrate the growing tech community in Philadelphia, we’re hosting a gallery of digital-inspired art. That’s right, technology can be beautiful, and we’re showcasing several local artists who can prove it.
From 6–9 PM on Saturday, April 20, join us on the second floor of 239 Chestnut Street, and sip on FREE beer — we'll be pouring two German lagers from the Kroenenbourg Brewery, founded all the way back in 1664. The flagship brew is Korenenbourg 1664 (appropriately), and it's a fruity lager with a fresh flowery scent from Alsatian hops. We'll also have Kronenbourg Blanc, a white beer with a slight citrus and coriander nose and a refreshing taste.
Enjoy the sips while taking in original artwork and listening to tunes. Then we’ll head to the after party (stay tuned for location) and continue the boozy tech discussions.
RSVP on Facebook to make sure you keep up with all the details.
Here are some of the great artists we have lined up:
Cadence Watch Company (website)
Cipher Prime (website)
Christiana Del Vecchio (website)
Laura Krasnow (website)
Jake Beadenkopf (website)
Alex Hohlov (website)
Sean Martorana (website)
Happy Philly Tech Week!
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2013-04-20 6 PM
2013-04-20 9 PM
Drink Philly Digital Art Gallery for Philly Tech Week, April 20
Website: http://www.facebook.com/events/476533572419508
Drink Philly World HQ
Event Date: 04/20
Event Time: 6 PM - 9 PM
Location: Drink Philly World HQ
Price: FREE
Website: www.facebook.com/events/476533572419508