The Brew Clip on Kickstarter: the Swiss Army Knife of Wallets

Guys: you know you’ve spent way too much time thinking about your wallet. Seems like they’re either too bulky, too small, to ugly or just plain annoying. The Brew Clip aims to solve your wallet problems, and comes with a choice bonus: a built in bottle opener.
The slim, hard plastic and metal device is a money clip and beer tool all in one, and it fits easily into your pocket — even your front pocket. The stainless steel piece is outfitted with a slide-out bottle opener and a 3D-printed nylon back, so it’s lightweight, but gets the job of holding your cash and cards done. Plus it saves you from carrying around an annoyingly-shaped bottle opener that pokes you at the most inopportune moments.
On Kickstarter, The Brew Clip has already reached its $7,000 goal, so if you head over to pledge your $29, you know you’re getting one. There’s now a “stretch goal” of $12,000, which will allow the producers to create a wood version, perfect for your fancier pockets.