Union Pushes Wrong Message in Privatization Video

The United Food and Commercial Workers Wine and Spirits Council (which represents employees of PA Wine and Spirits stores) blew its chance earlier this week at addressing what’s surely the biggest blow its members will suffer should a hastily-hatched privatization plan actually pass in the final days of this current legislative session.
Rather than play on the fact that as many as 3,000 Pennsylvanians currently employed by the state liquor store system will turn up on the unemployment line — if lawmakers eager to make history end up green-lighting a half-baked plan to push booze sales into the private sector — the union produced a maudlin video (below) that decries death from drunk driving as a result of the supposedly lax liquor enforcement privatization will bring.
Sadly, not only did the union get its messaging wrong with the video, it got its facts wrong too. As Philadelphia City Paper's Ryan Briggs is quick to point out, in spite of its painfully backward and rigid rules on liquor sales, the state’s track record on drunk driving and other alcohol related fatalities is nothing to brag about. Just like its unemployment numbers.