Panorama Features Wines of Chile and Argentina for Friday Night Flights, July 12

The July edition of Friday Night Flights at Ristorante Panorama will feature wines from South America, specifically Chile and Argentina. Long considered “second tier” to the wines of Europe, these countries have recently been producing stellar vintages that rate with the best from the Old Country.
With your ticket ($25 in advance, here; $35 at the door), you’ll be treated to tastes of several different wines by Miguel Torres, San Huberto and Benegas. Also included are snacks of cheese and light hors d’oeuvres to pair with the vino. The event runs from 6–8 PM on Friday, July 12 at the Front Street restaurant overlooking the Delaware River.
Photo via Flickr/drhorowitz
Event Date: 07/12
Event Time: 6-8 PM
Location: Ristorante Panorama
Price: $25 in advance