Two Cavanaugh's Locations Celebrate Christmas in July With Mad Elf, July 25

Each summer, Hershey, PA-based Troegs Brewing releases a modicum of ultrapopular winter seasonal Mad Elf, and both Cavanaugh’s Rittenhouse and Cavanaugh's Headhouse have scored sixtels. The cherry-red Belgian will be tapped at uly 25 for a “Christmas in July” event.
Swing by the Rittehouse location starting at 7 PM to get your mid-year fix of the 11% ABV ale, which will be pouring alongside Troegs Dreamweaver Wheat — a setup that will give you “Mad Dreams,” in the very best way. In Headhouse, just off South Street, the tapping gets started earlier, and you can sip the Elf starting at 5 PM.
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2013-07-25 5 PM
2013-07-25 7 PM
Two Cavanaughs Locations Celebrate Christmas in July With Mad Elf, July 25
Event Date: 07/25
Event Time: 5 PM or 7 PM