Drink Philly Three Year Anniversary First Friday Festival

Way back in August of 2010, we had an idea. Inspired by art galleries surrounding our Old City headquarters, who opened their doors to the public on the first Friday of each month, we decided to host our own art show, complete with free drink and food tastings. Three years later, Drink Philly First Friday gatherings are the stuff of legend (that's what our friends tell us, anyway).
To celebrate three whole years of Drink Philly First Fridays, we’re having a very special celebration on Friday, September 6, from 5–9 PM. Instead of at our Chestnut Street office (which is beautiful but can get a bit crowded), we’re hosting a First Friday festival at the Arden Theatre, just up the block at 40 North 2nd Street.
The event is a fundraiser for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, so while entry is free, a $5 donation at the door to help childhood cancer research is suggested. Once inside, you’ll be treated to drinks made with booze from Philadelphia Distilling, beer from Evolution, Victory, and Yards and even coffee from Green Street Coffee Roasters.
Along with the drinks, you’ll find bites from Brauhaus Schmitz, The Victoria Freehouse, SLiCE, The Continental, and Nick's Roast Beef. There will be art from local artists to gaze and even to buy, if something strikes your fancy. There will be music. But mostly, there will be a great time, with friends both old and new. Come out and help us celebrate three years of First Fridays!
Bonus: if you're not yet an Uber user, you can sign up for the black car service and use our promo code to get a $20 discount on rides to or from the party. More info here.
Live Jazz by Tom Moon
Can't make it to the event? You can stil make a generous donation to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation here.
An RSVP in advance is a good idea; get on the list by clicking below.
Event Date: 09/06
Event Time: 5-9 PM
Location: Arden Theatre Co.
Price: FREE with RSVP