Rittenhouse Wine & Spirits Store Expands to New Location

The PLCB liquor store at 1913 Chestnut was one of the dowdiest shops in Rittenhouse, but as of this week, it will be no longer. Tuesday, August 13 is the last day of business for that smallish shop, and on Wednesday, August 14, doors will open to a brand new Fine Wine & Good Spirits “Premium Collection” store at 2040 Market Street, according to Philly.com.
The Market Street shop, like all the new PLCB stores opened recently, will be relatively fancy. There’s a center tasting bar and elegant signage. The grand opening on Wednesday will feature free tastings and bites throughout the day. Regular hours will be 9 AM–10 PM, Monday-Saturday and noon–5 PM, Sunday.
Photo by Amy Strauss