Guinness Wins With New Sports Buddy Ad

It’s common for mainstream beer ads to play off a sportsmate theme: a group of buddies — male or female, but usually male — play a rough game of [insert sport here], then pal up afterward over a few pints of [insert brand here].
A new Guinness commercial adds a twist to the trope, and comes out on top. The ad was so good that it leaped to the front page of reddit, from where it spread though the Internet. When Mashable wrote about the ad, it had just 60,000 views on YouTube; as of this writing, 21 hours later, it has over 720,000.
Will it make you want to drink Guinness if you don’t already? Debatable. Will it make you respect Guinness the company more than you did before? Almost definitely. Give it a watch below.