Bierstube Toasts Ozzy Osbourne With Ozzytoberfest, September 27-29

It’s Oktoberfest time, and — if you’re at Old City German bar Bierstube — it’s also Ozzy Osbourne time. This weekend from Friday–Sunday, September 27–29, Mike Naessens’ Market Street brew haven will be serving a special slate of discounted beers and a special menu of Black Sabbath inspired food for Ozzytoberfest.
Look for deals on Ozzy Ale from The Brewer’s Art and black lagers from Penn Brewery and Sprecher. Food to go along will include both rattlesnake and alligator brats and wild boar hamburgers. (if you’re interested in partaking in the exotic meats, reservations are suggested, as supplies are limited.)
Any guest who arrives dressed as Ozzy or as someone from the Wizard of Oz will get a prize, just for showing up.
Event Date: 09/27,09/28,09/29
Event Time: All day
Location: Bierstube
Price: PAYG