Battle of the Christmas Elves, Bainbridge Street Barrel House, Dec 17

Santa’s little helpers are out in full force this time of year, and they’ve brought their beer with them. This year, the elves are getting competitive. Bainbridge Street Barrel House is hosting their first annual Battle of the Beer, elf style. The elves from Tröegs, Dark Horse, Ridgeway, and Fegly’s are prepared to duke it out over your affection. On Tuesday, December 17, come down to 625 S. 6th Street and vote with your dollar for your favorite elf. The votes will be tallied at the end of the night, and a king elf shall be crowned.
Also, if you’re feeling festive, don your best, or ugliest, holiday sweater for a chance to win some awesome prizes.
Elves include:
Tröegs Mad Elf
Dark Horse 4 Elf
Ridgeway Criminally Bad Elf
Ridgeway Seriously Bad Elf
Fegly’s Rude Elf
Event Date: 12/17
Event Time: 6 PM
Location: Bainbridge Street Barrel House
Tags: Beer, Holiday