Now You Can Settle Your Bar Tab at Cavanaugh's Rittenhouse Using Bitcoin

You can now add Center City’s venerable Cavanaugh’s Rittenhouse to the growing list of bars, breweries and other booze related businesses out there that accept virtual currency Bitcoin for purchases.
Cav’s officially began accepting the peer-to-peer payment system earlier this week, according to the Metro. It allows customers to settle their tabs with their smartphones, a Coinbase app, and an account. For the time being iPhone users are shut out of making payments with the digital dough, because the app is only supported by Droid-based devices. But with more and more legit businesses like Cavanaugh's warming up to idea of using Bitcoin, that will likely change soon. Owner Ken Hutchings told the paper he will consider accepting it for payment at his other locations around town if it proves successful at his Sansom Street outpost.
This comes directly on the heels of recent news that Kenzinger maker Philadelphia Brewing Co. is accepting Bitcoin for purchases at its tasting room. It should be interesting to see what businesses get on board next. We’ll keep you posted.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Food, Spirits, Wine