Philly Beer Week's Annual Participant Meeting Rescheduled for Tues., Jan. 28

Since Old Man Winter’s conniption last week put the kibosh on Philly Beer Week’s Annual Participant Meeting, the board behind the ten-day beer fest are trying again on Tues., Jan. 28, from 2 - 4 PM. Again, the location for the meeting will be the Refinery Restaurant at SugarHouse Casino.
This meeting is for bars and businesses that are interested in getting involved in the 2014 edition of the suds-soaked festival. At it, Beer Week reps will be on hand to explain all levels of participation, as well as advertising and the annual Sampler publication and official guide.
Event Date: 01/28
Event Time: 2 - 4 PM
Location: Refinery Restaurant at SugarHouse Casino
Price: Free
Type: Beer,Beer Week
Tags: Beer, Beer Week