Mega-Bad Movie Night at the Academy, Feb 20

Bad movies should be enjoyed among friends. And then some. Join the folks at the Academy of Natural Sciences after hours on Thursday, February 20, when they host another Mega-Bad Movie Night. This time around, the featured film is Jurassic Park III.
For those who don’t know, Mega-Bad Movie Nights are sorta like real-life episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000. A few experts from the Academy get up onstage to comment and poke fun at the scientific absurdities filling a particularly bad movie.
Along with the movie, the night will be filled with snacks, a cash bar, specimens from the Academy’s collection, live animals, a chance to walk around the exhibits after hours--including Butterflies! and Dinosaurs Unearthed--and more. Doors open at 6:30 PM, but the movie doesn’t start until 8, giving you plenty of time to explore the Academy. A reminder that you must be 18 or older to attend, and at least 21 to drink. Tickets are available here for this colossal evening.
Event Date: 02/20
Event Time: 6:30-10 PM
Location: The Academy of Natural Sciences
Price: $18