Crocks Will Rock: Chili Cookoff Returns to P.O.P.E. Sat., Feb. 1

Crocks will rock in South Philly Sat., Feb. 1 when Pub on Passyunk East hosts its annual Chili Cookoff. Bar folks, local beer reps and regular patrons in off the street will square off in this battle of beef and beans. Presumably, a vegetarian version or two will also make the scene.
Contestants are encouraged to show up at noon sharp with all ingredients cooked and ready to eat. The competition's organizers suggest bringing at least eight quarts of chili to feed the ravenous crowds that turn out for the popular pre-Super Bowl event, and encourage bringing extra in seperate containers. Contestant are also advised to creatively decorate their chili booth with posters and signs announcing the name of the chili and highlighting its ingredients. Though side dishes will not be part of the official judging, they are always welcomed. P.O.P.E. will provide all necessary utensils for serving and eating the chili, but each competitor is responsible for their own crock pot. Email to sign up.
For those who simply want an up close view of the all the excitement, and tastes of the chili, $5 at the door gets you unlimited access to both. All money collected will be split evenly amongst the competitors to help cover their costs.
Judges (Drink Philly Editor-in-Chief Collin Keefe and local food and drink journalist Drew Lazor among them) will pick one winner while spectators will choose a “people’s choice” winner. Additional prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place.
Photo: Flickr user flickr4jazz
Tags: Beer, Food, Parties, Prizes