Philly Roller Girls Host Vegan Wing Bowl at The Abbaye Sat., Feb. 1

Just like Legionnaires' disease and Eagles fans assaulting Santa Claus with ice-laden snowballs, the annual, pre-Super Bowl rite known as Wing Bowl is as much a part of the fabric of this city as pretzels and Cheese Whiz. The twenty-second installment of that great glutinous spectacle gets underway bright and early on Fri., Jan. 31, but if you didn't secure tickets ahead of time, you’re out of luck. It is completely sold out.
Fortunately there’s still Vegan Wing Bowl, the less bingey-purgey eating contest that Philly Roller Girls have been hosting at NoLibs’ mainstay the Abbaye for the last three years. In this meatless match, Philly Roller Girls and their admirers go head-to-head to see who can consume the most crispy-fried seitan “wings” in the the same time span as a roller derby jam — two minutes. Winners from each round will be weighed in, and those with the top three weights will win prizes and bragging rights.
Registration opens at 4 PM, and the competition itself kicks off at 5 PM. Participation is $20, but attendance is free. Abbye will offer onlookers $10 bottomless Philadelphia Brewing Co. beers and specially priced vegan wings. All proceeds benefit Philly Roller Girls.
Event Date: 02/01
Event Time: 4 PM
Price: $20
Type: Beer,Food,Parties,Sports
Tags: Beer, Food, Parties, Sports