Tsarpower Returns to The Khyber with Dozens of Russian Imperial Stouts, Mon., Feb. 10

It sure feels like Russia out there. But never fear, stouts are here to warm your heart and soul. On Monday, February 10, the Khyber Pass Pub will be taken over by over a dozen Russian Imperial Stouts. These beers were brewed to rule wintertime and withstand the frigid temps of Siberia, so a little Polar Vortex is nothing.
Beers include 2010 Stone Imperial Russian Stout, Bell's Expedition, Haandbryggereit Odin's Tipple, and plenty more. The full beer list is available here. In addition to plenty of warming beers, limited edition 2014 Tsarpower t-shirts will be on sale at the bar.
Photo: Khyber Pass Pub
Event Date: 02/10
Event Time: 11 AM
Location: Khyber Pass Pub
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer
Website: www.facebook.com/events/447627672032689
Tags: Beer