Drinking on the Job: Freelancers Choose Bars Over Coffee Shops as Places to Conduct Business
No doubt Starbucks has raised more than a few eyebrows recently with news that it was testing the waters with alcohol sales at some of its locations.
But in light of a growing trend that has the self-employed and creative rank and file exiting coffee shops and cafes en masse to set up operations at bars, Seattle’s globalized java juggernaut just might be on to something.
As New York Post reports freelancers and others who work outside of traditional office environments in the Big Apple are flocking to gin joints and grog shops in record numbers to work.
The reasoning? The constant hustle and bustle — the endless shuffle of finicky soy chai latte-seekers, bad music and the incessant whining and hissing of cappuccinos being frothed — presents just a little too much distraction for those trying to take care of business.
Bars on the other hand, which are typically dead during normal business hours, foster quieter and less crowded surroundings for those working out of more nebulous office settings.
What’s more, many of these office-less workers enjoy the opportunity to enjoy drinks in lieu of coffee breaks. Some even go as far to say that a slight buzz improves their creativity and helps them push past brick walls.
Photo: Flickr user kalleboo
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Coffee, Spirits, Whiskey, Wine