coZara Tapping Rare Hitachino Nest Plum Ale
coZara, Chef Hiroyuki “Zama” Tanaka’s newly opened izakaya in University City, is tapping an extremely rare 20-liter keg of Hitachino Nest’s Anbai Plum Wheat Ale this coming weekend.
You’ll recall that Tanaka’s venerable Center City sushi spot, Zama, scored a barrel of the seldom seen brew back in January — a Philadelphia first! — which makes this tapping akin to lightning striking the same spot twice.
The salted-plum flavored German wheat ale is unlike any other beer in the world, and was made with Japanese plums that Hitachino Nest founder Toshiyuki Kiuchi handpicked from trees in his personal orchard. The plums are soaked in Hitachino’s flagship White Ale, and after six months Mo-shio (natural sea salt) is added to produce a salty and sour profile.
The ale goes on tap at the start of dinner service on Friday, May 16, and will continue to be poured until the barrel runs dry. Get it while you can.
Photo: Hitachino Nest
Tags: Beer