Where to Find Grown-Up Frozen Drinks in Philadelphia

Summer can be a bummer when you’re over twenty-one. It no longer promises the relief that shirking pencils, books, and teachers’ dirty looks once did. Today we go to work while the sun mocks us through the mirrored glass of our brick and mortar cages, and the light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t promise months of sweet freedom, but is, instead, a chartreuse slide in a powerpoint presentation. (Did somebody say Chartreuse?)
This brings us to the flipside, though. You all are big boys and girls now. You’re working, so you have money (the bit that’s leftover after repaying student loans), and so you’re able find interludes of respite elsewhere, such as in spiked frozen drinks. Let adult milkshakes and mature slushies be your 5:00 – 9:00 solution. Leave room after you’ve cleaned your plate, and try some of these in your own neighborhood, or take a little trip:
Adult Milkshakes, the quintessential American accompaniment to a burger, tuned up with a shot of booze:
- Northern Liberties: Adult Shakes at PYT
- University City: Spiked Milkshakes at Bobby’s Burger Palace
- Rittenhouse – Vanilla Bourbon Milkshake at Village Whiskey
Beer Floats, a dessert in its own right:
- Washington Square West – Daddy’s Root Beer Float at Jones
- South Street – Yards Root Beer Float at Percy Street BBQ
Frozen Margaritas, taken with or without tacos:
- Midtown Village – El Vez
- Rittenhouse - El Rey
- East Passyunk – Cantina Los Caballitos and Adobe Cafe
- Northern Liberties - Cantina Dos Segundos
- University City – Distrito
Specials, these refuse to be categorized:
- Rittenhouse – Whiskey Fix and Love You On A Tuesday Franklin Mortgage
- Midtown Village - Paloma Violeta, blanco tequila, grapefruit, soda and a gig scoop of housemaid prickly pear sorbet, at Lolita
- Head House – Frozen Michelada at Xochtil
- Old City – If you don’t see the frozen Mint Julep on the menu, ask for it at Khyber Pass Pub
Don’t feel like going out: Pick-up a few U-Freeze Wine Slush packets at a Wine & Spirits store, or have some delivered to your home.
Photo credit: Flickr user Kurman Communications
Tags: Beer, Bourbon, Cocktails, Whiskey, Wine