Serpico Popping-Up at The Garage, Mon., July 28

Chef Peter Serpico and some of the crew from his critically acclaimed, self-titled restaurant on South Street are heading further south on Monday, July 28 to set up shop in The Garage’s food cart.
From 6 PM until the food runs out, Serpico and company will offer a handful of dishes drawn from and inspired by the restaurant’s bill of fare.
When Drink Philly caught up with him, Serpico told us he was going to serve platters that include crispy Korean fried chicken wings (a recent menu addition), half of a duck leg sandwich and hot suace, and housemade napa kimchi. Passyunk Pickles will also be on hand serving pickles, of course, and picklebacks.
Sounds like a much better way to spend a Monday night than sitting half-comatose on the couch at home watching TV and eating Hot Pockets, doesn’t it?
Photo courtesy of Michael Persico Photography
Event Date: 07/28
Event Time: 6 PM
Location: The Garage
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer,Food,Food Carts
Tags: Beer, Food, Food Carts