Right Wing Radio Blowhard Calls State GOP Senators 'Nanny-State, Money-Grubbing Democrats' Over Beer Garden Brouhaha

In disgust over the mounting opposition to Philadelphia’s immensely popular pop-up beer gardens, local right wing radio blowhard Chris Stigall, who mans the mic at Talk Radio 1210 weekday mornings, lobbed one of the most offensive insults a Republican politician could ever receive at the two State Senators who are at the heart of the big brouhaha.
Showing nothing short of ridicule and scorn for Republican State Senators Chuck McIlhinney and John Taylor, who are lobbying the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to crack down on the temporary urban oases, Stigall said the two “are acting like nanny-state, money-grubbing Democrats.”
Ouch, that must really sting! Especially when it’s a frequently voiced GOP dig aimed at liberals and it’s coming from a seemingly supportive outlet like local talk radio.
Further putting the screws to the two, Stigall continued with his barrage of put-downs, calling McIlhinney and Taylor “little pipsqueak Republican Senators,” while accusing them of leading this petty crusade and fighting within their own party over money, who gets control over it.
We have to side with Stigall on this one; all this bickering and drama is indeed, as he puts it, “really sick.”
Photo: Uwishunu
Tags: Beer, News, Outdoor Seating