Snap a Selfie with Darren Daulton at McGillin's, Thurs., Aug. 7

Darren Daulton, former Phillies catcher and the “the greatest clubhouse leader in professional baseball,” will stop by McGillin’s Olde Ale House on Thursday, August 7 to toss back a couple of cold ones, and hobnob, schmooze and mingle with fans.
Snapping selfies, autographs and polite conversation about baseball, bars and beers are strongly encouraged. And McGillin’s will be filling pitchers of Yuengling and Yuengling Lite for just $7.
Daulton, or Dutch if you prefer, will be on hand from 6 PM - 8 PM. As always, there’s no cover.
Event Date: 08/07
Event Time: 6 - 8 PM
Location: McGillin's Olde Ale House
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer,Sports
Tags: Beer, Sports