Where to Root, Root, Root for Home Team Taney Dragons in the Little League World Series

You gotta give it up for Mo’ne Davis, the 13-year-old baseball superstar whose golden arm and blazing 70-mph pitch has landed her likeness on the cover of Sports Illustrated and helped push Philly’s Taney Dragons to the very top of the game. And more importantly, straight into one of the most riveting Little League World Series runs in years.
Tonight, Taney goes head-to-head with Las Vegas’ Mountain Ridge champs in Williamsport. Closer to home here in Philadelphia, where fair-weather fans are all too eager to jump on just about any bandwagon, the Dragons winning streak is stirring the excitement to a fever pitch.
Naturally, bars in nearly every neighborhood — from Center City’s McGillin’s to Girard Estates’ Taproom on 19th to West Philly’s City Tap House — are getting in on the Little League action, showing the games on their big screens and offering drink and food specials. Eater has a comprehensive list of bars showing tonight’s game. Check it out here to find your spot to root, root, root for the home team.
Photo: Taney Youth Baseball Association/Facebook
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