With Michael Vick Gone, Doobies Lifts Five-Year Eagles Boycott

This past Sunday, Pat Brett, owner of the venerable Fitler Square dive, Doobies Bar, did something she hasn’t done in five years.
She opened early and tuned her bar’s TV to show the Eagles take on the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Brett, a devout animal rights advocate, stopped showing Eagles games at Doobies back in 2009, when the team signed Michael Vick, after the star quarterback spent time in prison for his part in a dogfighting ring.
Now with Vick gone, Brett decided to lift her five year boycott. Going forward, she plans to be open and show all Eagles games throughout the rest of the season.
Just don’t expect to see Jets games anytime soon. With Vick now sporting that team’s jersey, Brett’s banning their games.
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