America's Two Most Popular Domestically-Owned Beers Are Both Brewed in Mexico

For many a little part of this country’s identity died last week when news of Pabst Blue Ribbon’s sale to Russia's Oasis Beverages broke.
While the deal strips the land of the free and the home of the brave of one of its most iconic red, white and blue beer brands, the sale also takes away several other all-American brews like Baltimore’s beloved National Bohemian, Texas darling Lone Star, Seattle’s Rainier and Milwaukee's Schlitz and puts them in the hands of foreign owners.
Still that’s hardly the biggest fallout from the transaction.
It’s no secret that big beer avatars like Budweiser, Miller and Coors have long since been gobbled up by foreign owned entities. For a time that made Pabst Brewing Company one of the largest American owned beer producers outside of the craft beer category. But now, according to St. Louis Dispatch, Pabst’s ownership moving abroad makes Corona and Modelo America’s top two domestically-owned beers.
The two beers are owned by New York based Constellation Brands, but it should be noted that neither are actually produced in the U.S. Both are brewed exclusively in Mexico.
Tags: Beer Week, News