Celebrate Festivus at Tria Taproom, Dec 23

Festivus is a holiday for the rest of us. Traditionally, Festivus is celebrated by performing Feats of Strength, holding the Airing of Grievances and, of course, not decorating the Festivus Pole. Join Tria Taproom, today, December 23, for a special beer-themed Festivus where feats of strength refers to the ABV of some very special beers.
Five beers with an ABV of 12% or higher will be tapped today at noon. Take on these ‘Feats of Strength’ while gathering around the six-foot tall Festivus pole and being merry...or not.
Festivus tappings include:
Schneider Aventinus Eisbock (12% ABV)
Schloss Eggenberg Samichlaus Classic 2013 (14% ABV)
The Bruery Smoking Wood - Bourbon Barrel (14% ABV)
Dogfish Head Olde School Barleywine (14.5% ABV)
Scaldis Noël (12% ABV)
Photo via Flickr
Event Date: 12/23
Event Time: 12 PM
Location: Tria Taproom
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer,Holiday
Tags: Beer, Holiday