Bainbridge St Barrel House Kicks Off New 'Behind the Barrel' Series, Jan. 22

The new year means a new series of events for Bainbridge Street Barrel House. On Thursday, January 22, Barrel House kicks off the Behind the Barrel Series. This series is meant to bring beer lovers closer to the beer makers. Throughout the year, Barrel House will be inviting some of their favorite brewers to hangout, impart their wisdom on the thirsty crowds and share some of their delicious brews.
First up in this series is Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company from Croydon, Pennsylvania. Brewery rep, Eric Jensen, will accompany one of NCBC’s headbrewers and five tasty beers on January 22. Beers will include Neshaminator German Wheat Bock, Blitzkrieg Hops Double IPA, Mudbank Milk Stout, Punkless Dunkel and a special firkin of County Line IPA. This firkin has been infused with pineapple and citra hops and will be pouring from Barrel House’s beer engine. Talk about a juicy IPA!
The event starts around 7 PM. Along with fresh brews, NCBC will have brewery swag to hand out and can answer any brewing questions you might have.
Photo via Neshaminy Creek
Event Date: 01/22
Event Time: 7 PM
Location: Bainbridge Street Barrel House
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer,Education
Tags: Beer, Education