Enjoy Bad Movies and Good Drinks at Mega-Bad Movie Night, Feb. 26

Along with the movie, the night will be filled with snacks, an open beer and wine bar, specimens from the Academy’s collection, live animals, a chance to walk around the exhibits after hours--including Butterflies! and Dinosaur Hall-and more. Doors open at 5:30 PM, but the movie doesn’t start until 7 PM, giving you plenty of time to explore the Academy and enjoy a drink or two. A reminder, you must be 18 or older to attend, and at least 21 to drink. Tickets are available here.
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2015-02-26 5:30 PM
2015-02-26 9 PM
Enjoy Bad Movies and Good Drinks at Mega-Bad Movie Night, Feb. 26
Website: http://www.ansp.org/Visit/Events/Details/?eid=5704&iid=17797
The Academy of Natural Sciences
Event Date: 02/26
Event Time: 5:30 PM - 9 PM
Location: The Academy of Natural Sciences
Price: $15-$25
Type: Beer,Food,Wine
Website: http://www.ansp.org/Visit/Events/Details/?eid=5704&iid=17797
Tags: Beer, Food, Wine