Win Big at Cav's Headhouse's 8 Week Quizzo Tournament, April 1-May 20

Starting April 1, Cavanaugh’s Headhouse will host an 8-week Quizzo Tournament. Get a team together, sign up and head over every Wednesday night at 8:30 PM for themed Quizzos each week hosted by Tim “Gunner” Gunn. Themes are announced the day of on Cav’s social media, so be sure to give them a follow. Can’t commit to the full eight weeks? Not a problem. Your team's top five scores are counted, so you can miss up to three weeks and still get a shot at the top prizes.
First place winner gets a two hour happy hour at Cav’s Headhouse and a $200 whiskey tab from Midleton's Distillery. The whiskeys included are Jameson, Jameson Black Barrel, Powers Gold Label and Redbreast 12 Year. The second place team gets a one hour happy hour at Cav’s Headhouse.
There is plenty of space and Cav's Quizzo is always a good time. Sign your team up by calling Cav’s Headhouse at 215-928-9307.
Follow them for updates on themes and specials at:
Twitter: @cavsheadhouse
Instagram: @cavsheadhouse
Event Date: 04/01,04/08,04/15,04/22,04/29,05/06,05/13,05/20
Event Time: 8:30 PM
Location: Cavanaugh's Headhouse
Price: PAYG
Type: Games,Prizes,Whiskey
Tags: Games, Prizes, Whiskey