Celebrate May the Fourth With a Star Wars Bar Crawl Along South Street

The crawl starts at 5 PM at The Legendary Dobbs and continues up South Street. Each bar will represent a different Star Wars character and will have activities and events planned for the evening. Expect everything from trivia to performances and maybe even a little cage dancing. There will also be plenty of prizes, giveaways and drink specials at all participating bars. So grab your Storm Trooper buddies and may the fourth be with you.
Participating bars include:
The Legendary Dobbs (304 South St.; 267-239-0197)
Copabanana (344 South St.; 215-923-6180)
Woolly Mammoth (430 South St.; 215-923-8780)
O’Neals (611 S 3rd St.; 215-574-9495)
Primos (326 South St.; 215-923-3101)
2nd State (401 South St.; 215-413-3434)
Thanks to Geekadelphia for originally bringing this great adventure to light.
Photo via Dive Bartender
Event Date: 05/04
Event Time: 5 PM
Location: South Street
Price: PAYG
Type: Bar Crawl,Beer,Parties
Website: http://divebartender.com/2015/04/barwars-may-the-fourth-be-with-you/
Tags: Bar Crawl, Beer, Parties