John Oliver Delivers on FIFA Challenge and Chugs a Bud Light Lime

On May 31, Oliver put a challenge out to the advertising partners of FIFA. If companies like McDonald’s and Budweiser pulled their support from FIFA and helped remove long-standing FIFA president Sepp Blatter, Oliver would perform a variety of endorsements including drinking a Budweiser product despite stating that "Bud Light Lime tastes like a puddle underneath a Long John Silver's dumpster".
Blatter resigned as FIFA president on June 2, and Oliver delivered on his endorsement promises on the show this past Sunday. However, the endorsement was preempted by equating Bud Light Lime to Jolly Green Giant ejaculate and The Great Gazoo urinating into a public pool.
If you want to see how it all unfurled, check out the video below, and let us know what you think Bud Light Lime tastes like on Facebook or Twitter.
Photo and video via YouTube
Tags: Beer