Has 'Curiosity' Killed the Can? Exploring Lululemon's Attempt to Sell Lager Alongside Leggings

After lowering quality standards and producing see-through yoga pants failed to bring men into their stores, Lululemon has decided to target another stereotypically male interest by contracting Vancouver-based Stanley Park Brewing to produce the new Curiosity Lager, according to Eater.com. This move by Lululemon is an interesting one, and, despite the ludicrous bottom line that a yoga-focused athletic wear retailer is now selling beer, cannot be condemned outright.
Firstly, it should be noted that the combination of beer and yoga is not a brand new one, with plenty of breweries offering yoga classes on-site. Broadening the spectrum to include spirits, boozy post-yoga brunches are also most definitely a thing. What’s not a thing (yet), is ordering a pint of craft beer with your new pair of Nikes, or a glass of house-infused vodka with that new bag from Coach.
However, having said all of that, one cannot ignore the ridiculous bottom line mentioned above. The idea that an athletic wear manufacturer is plastering its name and logo on craft beer cans is an uncomfortable one, albeit not as uncomfortable as sheer yoga pants. Craft breweries are already forced to expend resources fighting derogatory ad campaigns and buyouts by Big Beer; they shouldn’t have to worry about Under Armour and Reebok in addition to that.
Photos via Stanley Park Brewery
Tags: Beer