North Carolina Beer Garden Boasts the Most Taps in the World

According to, Raleigh Beer Garden opened earlier this year in the heart of North Carolina’s capital city and reaches three stories up. On the first floor are a meager 144 taps, exclusively pouring beers brewed by one of the over 20 breweries in North Carolina. If, 144 beers later, you find your thirst has yet to be sated, you can attempt to climb the stairs to the second floor, which is home to an additional 222 taps. Second-floor pours include beers from around the globe, macro, micro, and otherwise, available in a variety of volumes.
If beer is not your thing, or you happen to be a reincarnation of Andre the Giant, you can head up to the third floor, which houses Spiritual, a cocktail bar serving up local, craft distilled spirits and third floor patio views of the city.
Now, 366 taps is nothing to shake a stick at. RBG’s website boasts a quote by Forbes magazine that says 366 is more taps than any other singular location on earth. However, some internet pundits have voiced concerns over the freshness of the beer. It’s well known that certain styles and types of beers improve with age under the right conditions, and in such an undertaking, it would seem that no expense has been spared to ensure those conditions are met. But the question remains, is there such a thing as too much beer? It depends on who you ask, but Raleigh Beer Garden is hoping your answer is a resounding “no”. Let us know your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter.
Photos via Raleigh Beer Garden
Tags: Beer