Get Creative With Squid Ink During Environmental Weekend at Tall Ships Tavern, Sept. 4-6
Water testing, squid ink demonstrations, and special performances will take place all weekend long. On Friday, catch Mike Brenner performing from 8–10 PM. The SeaDogs will be hanging out and playing at the Tavern on Saturday from 3–7 PM, and catch Cubby the Pirate at the Tavern on Sunday from 2–6 PM.
Photo by Drink Philly
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2015-09-04 5 PM
2015-09-04 11 PM
Get Creative With Squid Ink During Environmental Weekend at Tall Ships Tavern, Sept. 4-6
Tall Ships Tavern
Event Date: 09/04,09/05,09/06
Event Time: 5 PM - 11 PM
Location: Tall Ships Tavern
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer,Cocktails,Outdoor Seating
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Outdoor Seating