Top of the Tower Hosts Special Papal Events During Pope's Visit, Sept. 26 & 27

The festivities begin Saturday morning with a special SkyBrunch. Choose from two seatings, 9 AM or 11:30 AM, and watch as Pope Francis’ mass at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul is broadcast on Top of the Tower’s big screens. You might even be able to catch a bird’s eye view of the man himself as his motorcade passes right outside. SkyBrunch is also available on Sunday with seatings from 10 AM - 11 AM. Brunch is $90 per person with taxes, gratuity, and two drinks included.
During the Festival of Families happening on the Ben Franklin Parkway, Top of the Tower will host SkyBuffet. Enjoy dinner while watching the Festival concert featuring the Philadelphia Orchestra and Andrea Boccelli from high above the crowded streets. Tickets for SkyBuffet are $125 each.
The final Pope-centric event, Caelum Cena or SkySupper, offers a unique way to watch the Solemn High Mass happening on the Parkway at 4 PM on Sunday. Tickets to SkySupper include reserved seating for the mass and the chance to view the historic event from lofty heights. The mass will be broadcast around the dining rooms and will be followed by a buffet dinner and a round of complimentary cocktails.
Reservations and pre-paid tickets are required for all events. A portion of the SkySupper proceeds will be donated to the Francis Fund. Go to for more information or to make reservations and purchase tickets for both days of events.
Each Mass event attendee will get a pair of binoculars for themselves to keep.
Brunch Photo by Top of the Tower. All Other Photos by Drink Philly
Tags: Cocktails, Dinner, Food