Where to Celebrate Mardi Gras 2016 in Philadelphia

Celebrate Karneval with kostumes and fasnachts at South Street's renown German restaurant. The Karneval Kostume Party on Thursday, February 4, will feature half-price Kölsch beers for the ladies and a chance to win a Kegerator. Guests will be entered into the raffle for every Kölsch they purchase. Come in costume for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate. Additionally, Fasnachts will be on sale from February 4 through Fat Tuesday. (718 South St.; 267-909-8814)
Bourbon Blue
Bourbon Blue has all of your Mardi Gras essentials, from beads, masks, and live entertainment featuring Kyle Herring and Sean Smith. They’ll also be serving up hurricane drink specials all night. Live music starts at 5:30 PM. (2 Rector St.; 215-508-3360)
Chris’ Jazz Cafe
Listen to The Hoppin' John Orchestra ($15) while sippin’ on drink specials all day, and munchin’ on Louisiana delectables like Jambalaya, Gumbo, Crawdads and King Cake. Get your tickets here. Don’t choke on the baby. (1421 Sansom St.; 215-568-3131)
Interstate Draft House
Interstate’s Fat Tuesday party is happening all day with $5 Hurricanes and Abita drafts. Masks and beads will be provided. (1235 E Palmer St.; 267-455-0045)
McGillin’s Olde Ale House
An Irish Bar? Why not? Enjoy Hurricanes, Po Boys, Muffulettas, Spicy Jambalaya, Blackened Catfish Sandwiches, and Cajun Pot Pie, plus the usual Tuesday specials: $6.50 PBR pitchers, $8.50 Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Yuengling Light pitchers, $1 mugs of throwback beer (5 pm 'til keg kicks), 35¢ jumbo wings, and $4.50 pickle backs. (1310 Drury St.; 215-735-5562)
Photo by Danya Henninger
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Holiday, Parties, Spirits