Test Your Harry Potter, Sci-Fi Knowledge, Tetris Skills, & More at Franklin Institute's Nerd Olympics

The event, which will run from 7 — 10 PM on Friday, April 29, will completely transform the mild-mannered Institute into six “Nerd Nations” including Fantasy, History, Comics, Games, Science Fiction, and Sports. Each section will offer a ton of events — in fact, the night as a whole will feature over 40 activities — but some standouts include a “Fantastic Beasts of Harry Potter” event, an exhibit focusing on ancient beers, a Hamilton-style musical about Benjamin Franklin, a giant projected game of Tetris, a comic-book tutorial, a dog-training seminar, a “gravity well,” and a dance floor with a scientific twist. Be sure to stop by the “Silent Disco” at some point during the evening — once you step onto this dance floor, grab a pair of headphones and enjoy a dance party that only you can hear.
Perhaps most importantly, Yards will be premiering a brand new collaboration with the Franklin Institute made specifically for the Philadelphia Science Festival. The beer is a blood orange witbier called the “Orang’n of the Species” at 5.5% ABV, which is, of course, a reference to Charles Darwin’s famous treatise on evolution. The beer will be available in a limited release in late April, but for now, you can drink it exclusively at this event.
Tickets will cost $15 for non-members and $10 for current members, so pick them up fast for a night of delicious beer and nerding out.
Photo via the Franklin Institute
Event Date: 04/29
Event Time: 7PM-10PM
Location: The Franklin Institute
Price: $10 for members; 15 for non-members
Type: Beer,Games
Website: https://www.fi.edu/event/2016-04-29/science-after-hours
Tags: Beer, Games