Philly Gets Its First Vegan Food & Beer Festival, August 14
On Sunday, August 14, Philly’s first ever fully vegan food and beer festival, S.E.E.D. (which stands for Sustainable Everyday Edibles and Drinkables) will make its debut at Sugarhouse Casino. This event is partnering with Home Brewed Events and Eat Your PHL to bring Philly a festival dedicated entirely to veganism.
With VIP entrance times from 2 - 3 PM and general admission entrance times from 3 - 6 PM, vegans and carnivores alike will be able to spend an afternoon taste testing vegan beers, vegan cuisine, and even vegan ciders. To sweeten the deal, the event will benefit the Humane League, which works to provide national outreach, education and campaigning on behalf of animals.
You can grab tickets directly on S.E.E.D.’s website, so pick some up now if you’re worried about missing out, and even if you prefer meat and potatoes to tempeh, you’re sure to find something to please your palate at this festival.
Photo via Flickr user avrene
Event Date: 08/14
Event Time: 2-6PM
Location: Sugarhouse Casino
Price: VIP: $65; GA: $45; DD: $35