Grand Central's Campbell Apartment Will Close at the End of July

The MTA has been seeking out more high-end businesses in an effort to rebrand Grand Central station, and though Grossich attempted to save his space, which was once inhabited by its namesake (a successful financier) and was featured in the CW series Gossip Girl, by raising his rent to $800,000, he was heavily outbid by Gerber, who offered $1.1 million. Though Grossich then raised his offer to whatever the highest offer was plus 2.5%, the MTA said no — and even though Grossich then sued the MTA, his eviction was not overturned, and he’ll be giving up the space at the end of July.
There is a petition to save the Campbell Apartment, which can be found here, so head over and sign if you want to help preserve this piece of New York history.
There’s not much word on what Gerber will do with the space, though he reportedly does want to modernize it and get rid of the dress code, but what we do know is that the classic Campbell Apartment will no longer exist once the month is out, so get there soon for one last drink.
Photo via The Drink Nation