Philly Beer Week Has Undergone A Rebranding, Is Now Philly Loves Beer
Philly Beer Week, the institution that hosts a week-long celebration of all things brew-related every June (with its 10th anniversary coming up this year), has rebranded as a non-profit called “Philly Loves Beer,” which, according to Philadelphia Magazine, is a “year-round entity devoted to raising Philadelphia’s global profile as a destination city for beer tourism.”
What this really means is that Philly Loves Beer, which is now the organization that hosts Philly Beer Week each year, will be dedicated to raising awareness of the beer scene in both Philly and its surrounding areas and will do so for 365 days a year, not just for a single week in June. The organization has trademarked the motto “America’s Best Beer Drinking City,” will host a series of events dedicated to the local beer scene, and will work to promote the well-regarded beer scene in Philly.