Center City District Restaurant Week is Back, September 10-19

Center City District Restaurant Week is returning for its fall season from Sunday, September 10 through Tuesday, September 19, offering three-course, $35 dinners at some of Philadelphia’s best restaurants.
With select restaurants also featuring three-course $20 lunches, you’ll be able to find great dining deals all over the city for these ten days, and for the first time, Restaurant Week will also be available on Saturday. Guests can also enjoy signature cocktails at many restaurant to accompany their food from Maker’s Mark and Maker’s 46 Bourbon. Don't forget that the meals are all inclusive of drinks, tax, and mostly importantly, tip!
Don’t miss out on this fall’s best culinary deals through Restaurant Week, where you can eat your way through Philadelphia’s signature dishes at an incredible price.
Photo via Zahav
Event Date: 09/10,09/11,09/12,09/13,09/14,09/15,09/16,09/17,09/18,09/19
Event Time: Varies
Location: Varies
Price: PAYG