Cheers to Your Hatred of the Dallas Cowboys with this New Beer from Weyerbacher
If we had to pick one word to describe Philadelphia sports fans it would be…. passionate, and passionate folks need outlets to express themselves. Here in Philadelphia, we express ourselves in the form of beer. Meet Dallas Sucks, a smack-talking beer released by Weyerbacher in collaboration with Jose Pistola’s just in time for football season.
The beer itself is a 4.5% simcoe, centennial and cascade hopped pale ale. It’s described as “downable” on Weyerbacher’s website, which prefect for a pregame, game time, or post game celebration. “Flavor forward, this brew was made for tailgating in parking lots, celebrating first downs and big hits, high-fiving friends and basking in the thrill of victory.”
Dallas Sucks is more than just your average parking lot brew. This beer has the potential be a great unifier of the NFC East (or at least 3/4 of it) under common hatred for the Cowboys. To no surprise, when Weyerbacher reached out to Dallas breweries to collab on this one, no one was interested.
If you’re a fan of “America’s team” and are offended by the beer here’s a word from Weyerbacher’s COO Joshua Lampe: “If you see me at our Tap Room or at another bar, let’s have a beer and enjoy our love of the sport. I’ll bust your stones about Dallas and you can laugh at me about Santa’s snowballs or whatever it is this year.”
To prove that this is all in jest, and that we’re not terrible people here in Philadelphia, Weyerbacher will be donating a portion of the proceeds from Dallas Sucks to hurricane Harvey relief.
Photo via Weyerbacher Brewing on Facebook