Head To The First Annual Tri-State Bluecoat Bartender Battle at Philadelphia Distilling, July 9

On Monday, July 9 from 7 PM - 10 PM at Philadelphia Distilling, watch as 9 bartenders from the tri-state area battle it out for an all-expense paid trip to New York City using Bluecoat Gin & other Philadelphia Distilling products.
Three bartenders each from New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania will throw down against each other, making everything from variations on classic cocktails to performing Chopped-style feats using secret ingredients. Guests will also have a chance to vote for a People's Choice cocktail. The bartenders, who competed in a preliminary round in June, have already faced off against plenty of competitors in their home states, and are ready to take the top prize during this final round.
Bartenders include:
Delaware: Shay Hickman (Washington St. Ale House); Juliana Serrano (Stone Ballroom); Chris Gimbutas (Café Mezzanotte)
Pennsylvania: Ashley Kane (TIME); Lindsey Evans (Kensington Quarters); Christian Diaz (Red Owl Tavern)
New Jersey: Nick Regimbal (Verve); Peter Gorzelnik (Delicious Heights); Bobby Frascella (Summit House)
The event is open to the public and is free to attend, but you must RSVP here, and we'd recommend you do it fast, as this evening is expected to fill up quickly.
Photo via Drink Philly
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2018-07-09 7 PM
2018-07-09 10 PM
Head To The First Annual Tri-State Bluecoat Bartender Battle at Philadelphia Distilling, July 9
Website: https://app.anyguide.com/tours/tri-state-bartender-battle-finals-philadelphia/s-ad88d7c1
Philadelphia Distilling
Event Date: 07/09
Event Time: 7 PM - 10 PM
Location: Philadelphia Distilling
Price: Free with RSVP
Website: https://app.anyguide.com/tours/tri-state-bartender-battle-finals-philadelphia/s-ad88d7c1