Drinking Costumes

Halloween is a special kind of drinking holiday, and we are here to make it just a bit more intoxicating. Below we have gone through some popular drinking-related costumes and given them ratings based on a scale that we completely made up.
Game: Beer Pong Table
Pro: You’d be embodying every college student’s favorite past-time.
Con: Not functional. Also, be prepared to have ping pong balls whipped at you.
Our Suggestion: Although initially funny, this one will wear off pretty quick...and nobody wants to wear a door.
Rating: 3/10
Basic: The Beer Keg
Pro: Everybody loves kegs, it’s going to attract attention.
Con: Everybody loves kegs. Plan on being punched in the head by multiple idiots trying to pressurize you.
Our Suggestion: If you go this route, print out the logo of your favorite craft brewery to cover up the generic “beer keg” sign.
Rating: 4/10
Scary: PLCB Agent
Pro: Strike fear into the hearts of bar owners and interstate booze traffickers with this realistic costume based on rare eye witness depictions of what a PLCB agent actually looks like.
Con: You probably won’t be allowed into local bars due to their fear that you will confiscate any kegs that do not follow prohibition-era registration requirements.
Our Suggestion: This may be too scary.
Rating: 8/10
Super: Beerman
Pro: Hey! It has Beer Holsters!
Con: It has beer holsters! People are going to be ripping your prized possessions from your waist all night! Plan on buying a few cases to keep you stocked.
Our Suggestion: Put cheap beer in the front holsters, and good beer in the back - where you can protect it. Also, wear a beer helmet for the ultimate in can-carrying capacity.
Rating: 6.5/10
Lame: Beer Can Guy
Pro: If you were ever looking for a method of conveying how tasteless you are, this costume says it in so many different ways.
Con: Your hand is going to hurt from all the “bro’s” demanding high fives.
Our Suggestion: Pass on this one.
Rating: 1/10
Offensive: Tequila Guy
Pro: Wouldn’t it be great if it came with two bottles of tequila?
Con: It doesn’t come with two bottles of tequila, only bottle holsters...which could be useful on their own..
Our Suggestion: If you’re going to go this route, rent a donkey to pull and/or ride to maximize the insult.
Rating: 2/10
The Win: Beer Ghostbusters
Pro: What’s not to like about ghostbuster jumpsuits and a fully functional sixtel of delicious craft beer strapped to your back?!
Con: The weight of the sixtel may force you to be overly generous with the beer dispensing, but your back will thank you.
Our Suggestion: Check out the latest issue of Philly Beer Scene where they have instructions on how to make the backpack!
Rating: 11/10