Running of the Santas 2010: Photos
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Philadelphia's Christmas spirit rang loud and clear on Spring Garden St. Saturday night. The sounds of boots, sneakers and stilettos mixed with cheering as more than a thousand santas ran, walked, and staggered their way from Finnegan's Wake to the Electric Factory.
Before the start of the run, a crowd of santas began to organize in front of Finnegan’s Wake. Those santas brave enough to forgo drink specials and stand outside in the freezing cold spent their time taking pictures, stretching, and taunting the security guards. A few minutes before the run began, a newly married couple who had met at the 2008 Running of the Santas stopped by to check out this year’s rendition.
The run to the Electric Factory, temporarily named the North Pole, began a little after 6 p.m. when a horde of santas tore down Spring Garden. Those santas who were more ornately dressed followed the initial crowd, making their way a little more slowly down the five block course.
Of the many amazing santas, a few stood out:
• Run DMC Santa
• Abominable Snowman Santa
• Penguin Santa
• Cookie Monster Santa
• Founding Father Santa
• Elvis Santa
One Northern Liberties resident, Denzil, shared his excitement before the run. “There are so many santas,” he said. “I can’t wait to see them all run by.”