Esquire Magazine's Top 7 Beer Cities

It’s no secret that Philadelphians are prideful people. Ego aside, we still enjoy it when people tell us things we already know, like when Draft Magazine named five Philadelphia bars on their 100 Best Beer bars list, or when U.S. Airways Magazine named us the number one city in the world for Christmas spirit.
The latest to feed our already enormous ego, is Esquire magazine with their list of the Best Cities in 2011. Philadelphia has long been the self proclaimed king of beer, but it’s always nice when others see the light. Aside from Philadelphia, the six other best beer cities in the U.S. according to Esquire are: Chicago, Denver, New York, Portland, St. Louis and San Diego.
These seven cities are amongst the top in the nation who are leading the way in America‘s craft beer movement. Esquire writer Evan S. Benn compiled his list of the seven best according to the area breweries, culture, brewpubs, bars, beer festivals and much more.
Notable mentions from the list are: Goose Island’s Wrigleyville brewpub in Chicago, Denver Colorado’s Great American Beer festival (from which PA area breweries took home nine medals, New York bars Blind Tiger and Rattle N Hum, the St. Louis Brewers Heritage Festival, San Diego’s famous Ballast Point and Stone brewing companies, and Portland Oregon’s Brewers Festival. Let's also take the time to note that Portland is home to more breweries than any other city on earth!
In the homage to our beloved city Philadelphia, the article mentioned Victory Brewing Co., City Tap House, and of course, Philly beer week. All of that being said, you didn’t really need me or Esquire to tell you how great of a beer city Philly is, did you?
What do you think is the top beer city in America?

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