PLCB Adds Hard Liquor to Wine Kiosks

As if it weren’t enough to put wine behind vending machine glass, the good folks at the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board have decided that in order to boost sales, select wine kiosks will soon be hawking hard liquor as well. All we want to know is, does it come pre-wrapped in a brown paper bag or do we have to bring our own?
Like with wine sales, buyers will have to swipe their licenses (hopefully licenses actually belonging to them…with automated sales, it’s hard to say) and blow into a breathalyzer to ensure that they are both old enough and sober enough to purchase alcohol.
According to WGAL-TV, there will be 56 wine kiosks in operation after Wal-Mart throws its hat into the ring. Some of the few dozen wine kiosks currently in operation are only selling ass low as two bottles a week; in order to be profitable, the machines need to be selling fifty bottles a day.
Over the next few weeks, the hard stuff will be tested out in a few locations to start, the first of which will be the Giant Food store in Dauphin County. No word yet on which liquors are being chosen for this dubious honor, but fingers crossed for some 50-year-old single malt scotch.
The idea behind the liquor robot is for added convenience for the grocery store shopper who can’t be bothered to make the additional stop at the liquor store for libations. Perhaps added convenience would be the privatization of liquor sales? Just a thought. Anyway, here’s hoping to better luck with the hard liquor!
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